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The Theory Test

The Theory Test consists of two parts - a set of 50 multiple choice questions of which you must achieve a pass mark of 43 or more - and also a Hazard Perception part where you will watch a series of video clips during which you have to click on the mouse when you first see a hazard come in to view. The sooner you respond to the hazard - the higher your score. You can score a maximum of 5 points per clip, from 15 hazards, giving a possible score of 75. You must achieve a score of 44 or more to pass this part of the test.

Both parts of the test must be passed at the same time.

Theory/Hazard Discs for the PC can be obtained at discount prices from your instructor or, if you don't have access to a computer, Theory Sheets can be provided free of charge and will be marked on a weekly basis, also a video can be borrowed to show what to expect on the Hazard Test.

Here is a link to a page that I feel you may find useful for practicing  your Theory Test -

The latest questions have now been added to the site. Users will benefit from the exact same questions that appear in the REAL test.
There are now 50 questions and the pass mark is 43.

Test your theory based knowledge via Top Tests