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Here at Laycock's SOM you only pay for what you want.

Excellent quality tuition, a fully qualified and experienced instructor and a modern dual control vehicle - all at a competitive rate.

  • You don't pay for fancy city centre offices and staff
  • You don't pay for your instructor to have a new car every six months
  • You don't pay for national TV advertising
  • You don't pay to have an inexperienced or even unqualified instructor (a lot of franchise instructors are on a six month trainee licence and aren't even qualified - so they are learning whilst teaching you).

Laycock's SOM have kept their prices fixed for the last three years, but we realise that there is a recession and a lot of people are being made redundant on a daily basis, so people are finding it more difficult to find money for driving lessons.

From 1st December 2023

Beginner Course
4 hours for £120

 1 hour            £38

           2 hours          £74       (£37.00 p/h)

Block Booking

            10 hours       £360      (£36.00 p/h)

            20 hours       £700      (£35.00 p/h)

            30 hours       £1,020      (£34.00 p/h)

            40 hours       £1,320      (£33.00 p/h)


Motorway Tuition (minimum 2hrs)     £100


Driving Test Fees (payable to DSA)
Theory                          £23.00
Practical                      £62.00


Proprietor: Kevin Laycock DSA ADI, IAM, Dip DI, Diamond Advanced Instructor